Co Inspired Moment

Co Inspired Moment

Co-Founded and Directed by Young Jeon
Co-Founder: Bomi Kim

We connect artists in New York with the public to provide an inspiring moment to both.

Why We Started COMO NYC

We have seen how people get inspired by talking to artists and seeing in person how they create art. Artists also grow through interactions with their audience. We believe in the potential and energy that come from connecting these two sides together, and hope to create and sustain a vibrant community where you can actively communicate, create and appreciate art. 

This is also a great way to support contemporary artists who are based in New York. With our profound knowledge and diverse experiences in the museum and art market industry, we will find the artist whose practice best fits your interest, and bring our carefully curated workshops to you. 

What We Do

We aim to provide you and your team a therapeutic and inspiring creativity training session. Every workshop will be guided by leading contemporary artists. Dive into their artistic world, learn how they use their creativity to make artworks. 

With the right atmosphere and the right tools, anyone can tap into the inner creative stream that runs through us all. To help you access and develop your creativity, we work with our artists to offer various exercises and techniques that explore sense perception, drawing, brainstorming, memory and collage. 


Train your creativity with our diverse workshops!

Selected COMO Artists



“As a highly energetic individual I hope that the viewer is awakened and can hopefully feel that energy.”

Read the Interview



“My work is about history, memories, and especially about the secret narratives of women.”

Read the Interview



“My interest in assembling different materials together revolves around how each respective process serves to replicate the multiple ways memory move and exist within thought.”

Read the Inteview



“They are my road tattoos which are commemorative, site-specific, community-based, tattoo-inspired, public artwork on roads, and the the soul of my art practice.”

Read the Interview


COMO Artists Interview Series

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